photo Bernard Bousquet

My intention is to support and empower you to access guidance, healing and creativity within yourself.

Helena Dietrich

My approach.

The most empowering healing in my experience, is the one we initiate ourselves; therefore my intention is to accompany you in finding your inner guidance. I believe all the answers are to be found within, we only have to learn to listen to the inner voice, intuition, higher self or divine guidance that we all have access to.

When you establish the connection to your inner guidance, that communicates in symbols, images, dreams, in your subconscious, you will be able to navigate better through the challenges life brings.

Our subconscious patterns are responsible for about 80% percent of our daily routines and behaviours therefore we can initiate transformation only by bringing the subconscious parts of us into your conscious awareness.

These parts of ourselves–sub-personalities–have been formed throughout our life, sometimes through traumatic experiences. When especially painful, these sub-personalities can also become attached to energies/spirits/emotions, which then keep us in a continuous state of the same pattern, in order to protect us. Sometimes these parts of us, especially if denied can then turn into what could be called shadows or offer other energies/entities a source to become attached to.

In my work, I like to depart from the notion and remind you, that even the darkest parts have a source of light within them. Our Higher Selves, our inner healer, can guide us to release and heal these parts, as they too can return to light when they are recognised, loved, forgiven and integrated.

Often we experience and expect a healing journey as hard and painful, and within that mindset continuing the (capitalistic) illusion we have to work hard or fight to achieve anything. My philosophy and approach is to embody kindness and gentleness, and therefore to invite you to also be gentle, kind and forgiving to yourself. In departing from the notion that we are already whole and that healing automatically happens when we tune into the vibration of love, rather than working or fighting for it, we attract and receive the circumstances that match our vibration by simply being in our truth.

The healing journey is therefore one of exploration and awareness, of getting to know who you are, so you can live in your true vibration.

“I will not rescue you. For you are not powerless.

I will not fix you. For you are not broken.

I will not heal you. For I see you, in your wholeness.

I will walk with you through the darkness as you remember your light.”

— The Medicine Woman’s Prayer