Divine Voice practice / workshops

Divine Voice is an open and inclusive space to practice vocal toning and experimenting with the voice together: We explore vibration and frequency of the voice through the physical and energetic body – with playfulness, somatic experiencing, imagination, not only through voicing/toning but also by listening to ourselves, each other, spaces, substances, ghosts and dreams – to become a polyphonic choir of voices.

This practice departs from the animist perspective that living beings are hyper sensual and empathic organisms who intuitively perceive the energetic architecture of their environments – in an invisible field of frequencies and vibrations where we are both receivers and senders. Sound is therefore a relational practice: when our bodies are tuning in, our voice can embody and express the impact of energies within our own organism. As resonance bodies we resonate what is present for us, using the voice to expand, release or transform sensations/feelings/e-motions, sensing and listening through our body as a channel.

The practice of sensing and listening through the voice can be used to explore physical and energetic inner as well as outer environments. Through time you will be able to get to know how to work intentionally with your unique tone, to direct it to transmute e-motions, raise vibration and shift states of consciousness, as well as become aware how to fine-tune your instrument within the broader orchestra of the ecosystem.

Within the vocal explorations, we consciously engage with states of trance or flow – and nonlinear, intuitive, experiential informations that can come in the form of dreamlike images and sensations. When we open this channel, between earth and sky, in communication with the elements, our bodies and the spaces around us, songs of our souls, of the earth, of the universe, can arise in us. Through establishing this relation we can learn to listen and follow intuition, a divine intelligence, speaking through us. We remember the beginning of language, where sounds of the voice replace words, speaking in tongues or cosmic language.

Within this context we will strive to establish a safe space for ourselves and each other, to learn to distinguish what feels safe in the body, to explore how much space we allow ourselves to take up and when we trust and rest in silence.

what we will work on:

  • Tuning in/with: sensitise perception within and without

  • practices of listening and being in relation with self and other

  • enter and exit flow / trance

  • creating / dreaming through body and voice

  • working with intention

  • visualisation and voice

  • scores

No previous knowledge necessary, all bodies and voices are welcome. Come as you are.

This workshop consists of a series of 6 sessions:

16, 23, 30 January + 6,13,20 February 2025

Thursday 9:30-11:00, Studio Acravate, Rue de Merode 240, Saint Gilles.

Price for complete series: 80 Euro

Please reserve by sending an email to mail@helenadietrich.com

“The fundamental proposition is that everything is vibrating, everything is vibration.
If you can vibrate with it, or attune to whatever it is that is vibrating, a resonance is created. Then you have a way of transferring energy back and forth.”

Fred Alan Wolf

Private voice sessions and mentoring / in person & online

The approach I offer is based on the belief that an authentic, intimate relationship with your voice and the expressive freedom that comes from it, can only happen from an experience of full embodiment.

Your true voice is your deepest and most creative impulse. Once you learn to get the feeling of your own inner tone, then you are aware of its power, strength and durability, and you can to some extent ride with it into deeper realities of experience: Reuniting the breathing body, the feeling body, the moving body, the vocal body and the thinking body into a fine-tuned system, capable of deep listening as well as of a fully creative and expressive response to the world.

Your voice is the expression of yourself in pure energy, from which your individuality rises, the You of you, the unmistakably given identity that is never duplicated.

We are all instruments that are tuning in and attuning to our environments and relations. Our resonance body, is capable to perceive and measure vibrations, and the voice is the tool that transforms and expresses our response.

In a private session I will support you in discovering, recovering and uncovering your voice. Together we will work on what feels needed for you, so that you can open your body as a channel to both receive and send frequencies that are in alignment with your being.

You can request a free consultation call of 30 min, to get to know me and explore together what your wishes are!

Prices and Inscription

Divine Voice workshop

6 sessions: 80 Euro

Drop in 15 Euro

Individual voice sessions

Single session: 40 Euro / 1,5h

4 sessions: 120 Euro

1 year Mentorship

1 monthly meeting à 1,5 hours: 540 Euro

  • “Helena creates an open and safe space where participants can explore. She encourages to dive deep, to surrender, to trust yourself. Her practice brings you closer to yourself without becoming dependent of her. She is a very good listener and observer, a trustworthy guide.”


  • “I didn’t feel comfortable with my voice, with other people listening to me. I was always judging, telling myself ‘I can’t sing’. It took me several weeks to really let go and Helena helped me to take my time and to create space for the joy of experimenting, discovering. When I experienced my real voice, it felt like an intense reconnection to my deep, hidden self.”


  • “The workshops helped me to let go of the knowing of the head and sink deeper into feeling, the sense or place where your body knows and remembers and even further away to a place of all knowing, memories, experiences, feelings, emotions, impressions.”


Contact me for private session or to inscribe in the bi-weekly workshop.